Genuine Student Requirement


Australian Student Visa Update: New Genuine Student Requirement applicable from (Effective March 23, 2024)

Genuine Student Requirement update will make the impact. As per the meeting held last year the Australian Government gave the signs to review the nation’s migration system and announced that time the several changes will be implemented soon. As a result, to it Government of Australia has replaced the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement for student visa with the genuine Students requirement. This will be applicable from 23rd March 2024 and applicable for all who will lodge the visa on or after.

But those students who already applied for student visa application before 23rd March 2024 this update will not impact them, and their application can be assess by Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirements

Purpose of Implementation Genuine Student Requirement (GS)

The main purpose behind the implementation of the Genuine Student requirement is to strengthen the migration system. It is similar to the Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement, but this time the government will carefully assess profiles to ensure that student visas are granted to those genuinely seeking quality education in Australia, rather than those intending to settle as permanent residents.

What was the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) ?

The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement was one of the steps for getting a student visa Subclass 500 as an international Students in Australia. It primarily focused to ensure that all applicants who are coming to Country genuinely intended to stay in Australia temporarily with a main purpose of studying. Earlier student applicants needed to share the l statement of around 300 words, the purpose of why they wanted to study in Australia and explain their requirements and each detail. To know more about it get in touch with our team of migration agents in Adelaide

Here How is the Genuine Student Requirement (GS) different to the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE)?

As we know Genuine Student requirement (GS) requirement a short written statement that introduces with Question & Answer format that replace the Old pattern of the Short Written statement. This new format specifies the detailed and specific targeted question that can help the Australian Government to understand the Student Visa applicants’ purpose and situation, course they selected and other details.

Under this new requirement implemented the applicants will be required to confirm at the end in the student declaration form that they understand the primary purpose of a genuine student requirements and only coming to Australia with the purpose of studying. They will also need to confirm that they have thoroughly read and understood the conditions of their visa requirements, including the limited opportunities for permanent migration in future.

Here are Some of Key points related the Genuine Student (GS) requirement include:

Student visa applications submitted before 23 March 2024 will be consider as per the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE)

2) To Understand the Purpose of International Students coming to Australia and allocating the Student Visa to genuine people

3) The 300-word statement in the Student visa application form will be changed with specific questions designed to offer visa decision-makers a clearer pictures into the applicant’s situation and understand the motive for coming to Australia is for studying or other.

4) GTE requirement will remain in place for the Student Guardian (subclass 590) Visa.

In the online student visa application form, Government will ask the applicant the below questions to address the New Genuine Student Requirement criteria.


    • Give details of the applicant’s current circumstances. This includes ties to family, community, employment, and economic circumstances.

    • Explain why the applicant wishes to study this course in Australia with this education provider. This must also explain their understanding of the requirements of the intended course and studying and living in Australia.

    • Explain how completing the course will be of benefit to the applicant.

    • Give details of any other relevant information the applicant would like to include.

    • Answers must be written in English, with a maximum of 150 words per question.

      There are also some additional questions for those applicants who have previously granted a student visa or those who are planning to lodge an application in Australia from a non-student visa category. Along with the responses included in the application form, the student applicant must attach supporting documents to their Immi Account so the government can assess the profile completely. This time government will consider all applicant’s overall personal circumstances when they assess whether they are a genuine student and need it genuinely


      If you are seeking a education as a International Students genuinely in Australia and planning to lodge your application for Study Contact Global Select Migration team as apart from the this Update government also introduce the new English requirements for Student visa SC 500 & Temporary Graduate Visa SC 485. Our team of experts at Global select will help you out with each steps weather its admission or migration. We will ensure that you will achieve your goals. For more updates follow us on social media

      Still If you have more questions about New Genuine Student Requirement (GS) updates?.

Visit The Department of Home Affairs has up-to-date information about Australia’s migration policy and visa subclasses and about the new update of Genuine student requirement, or you can book your Appointment with our Registered Migration Agent .